Saturday, April 11, 2009

going to get into blogging...i promise

ok so i started this blog in november of 08 but i haven't really been able to get into it all. i don't know if it is because i am just too busy or just don't really want to take the time to sit down and do it. but that is all about to change. my life is really busy right now but it is fixing to be alot more busier. i have been planning a huge baby shower for my best friend of about 15 years and next month is when my beautiful god daughter arrives in this world. i will be taking a vacation from work the week she is born so that i can be there and help tiffany out with whatever she may need as this will be her first child. so all and all my life may be very very busy right now but i am going to try and make it my goal to get on here everyday even if it is only to say hello to everyone