Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another Boring Saturday

Well today is another boring Saturday. It seems as though one of my off days at work is always Saturday, why I don't know I would actually perfer to work on a Saturday because it always seems to be one of our slow days (sometimes anyway). Well i closed last night and then just decided to stay up so I could get some stuff done. I gave the new kitten a bath, cleaned house, and made some cheesecake bars to take to work tomorrow. Then I went to my mothers for breakfast got on the internet for a little while and then decided that I would venture out to town to look for a battery for my new camera. I went to Circuit City first and of course they didn't have any so I decided I would try Target (I wanted to look at Christmas stuff anyway) and of course after standing around at the camera counter for about 10 minutes I couldn't get anyone to help me so me with my no patience self gets pissed off and leaves. Then I decide that I am going to go to Wal-Mart I get there and quickly decide that I am not even going to attempt to go in being it is a Saturday midday during Christmas season. I then just come home and go to sleep for most for the day. So in conclusion I once again had a boring good for nothing Saturday. I really need a LIFE!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Well here goes....I have recently found a new obsession....myspace and blogging! Now since I am so interested in reading everyone elses blogs I decided why not try it myself! In doind so maybe it will add some enjoyment to my boring and dull life. So stay tuned for more. I will probably be posting everyday because I simply have nothing else to do.